News from the CSP: Take part in a focus group - CSP resources on health inequalities

News from the CSP: The CSP would like your help to understand members' baseline knowledge, capabilities and support needs in evidence based practice, quality improvement and health inequalities. This insight will be a vital component in developing CSP strategy and resources aimed at supporting the current and future physiotherapy workforce so we can take action in addressing health inequalities through our practice.

Take part in a focus group - CSP resources on health inequalities

We would like to invite you to one of our series of focus groups to share your current knowledge and perspectives. The groups are 75 minutes long and do not require any back ground reading or preparation and will take place in July this year.

This invitation is open to all CSP members who are registered and associate members- we are sharing it with you as professional networks specifically as it is essential that we gain a diverse range of member perspectives to shape this work.

The link and the QR code that will take members directly to the expression of interest form to join the focus groups is below. 


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