Introduction to Applied Ergonomics for Physiotherapists – online

Course details:

Date: New dates coming soon 

Time(s): 08:45 - 16:30

Module 1: 10-15 hours of online learning at your own pace, including a multiple-choice test. Module 1 must be completed prior to attending.

Module 2: Online study day via Zoom. 

 Cost: ACPOHE Members - TBC

Location: Online via Zoom


Are you a physio?

If you're not a physio, please get in touch with our admin team at to check if the course is suitable for you. 

Course Aims / Summary:

This course is comprised of 2 modules:

Module 1: is undertaken independently online so you can work through this module at a suitable time and speed for you. Module 1 comprises of a series of short videos, additional reading and exercises, to complete a workbook that must be brought to Module 2. This will enable each delegate to have the necessary understanding to complete the face-to-face study day. Please allow around 10 - 15 hours to complete Module 1.

Module 2: is an online study day. This will enable physiotherapists to develop the ability to conduct a competent ergonomics risk assessment in the workplace, predominantly concentrating on physical factors. A number of ergonomics risk assessment tools will be taught. The delegate will be able to undertake an ergonomics assessment of an individual, or a small group, in a setting where the issues are mainly physical.  The delegate will be able to prepare a suitable report of such assessments, with recommendations to manage identified risk.

NOTE:  This course does NOT cover the assessment of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) users. To find out about our Office Ergonomics (DSE) Level 1 course click here.


Course Objectives:

On completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Adopt a Systems Approach to ergonomics
  2. Discuss the features and importance of participative ergonomics
  3. Identify the physical risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in a variety of work settings and make recommendations to manage these
  4. Explain anthropometrics in design and appropriately use anthropometrics within workplace assessment
  5. Accurately complete a job analysis on a work task for an individual
  6. Accurately identify risk using ergonomics assessment tools
  7. Write a clear and logical report


Pre Course requirements:

  • Participants must have a health background if they are not Chartered Physiotherapist, e.g. nurse, occupational health adviser, sports therapist etc. If you're not a physiotherapist, please get in touch with us at so that we can check your suitability for the course. 
  • Delegates must complete Module 1 prior to attendance of Module 2.


Tutor: Juliet Raine

Juliet qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2005 at Northumbria University in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. After completing her rotations in the NHS she moved into private practice and “fell” into the world of DSE assessments. Suspecting there was a little more than positions of screens and settings of a chair she investigated the world of ergonomics deeper, eventually completing a Masters in Health Ergonomics with the University of Derby in 2015.

She has specialised since 2008 not only in DSE assessments, but in injury prevention strategies, improving productivity and holistic workplace wellness interventions in a variety of settings, including laboratories, vehicles of all shapes and sizes, airport handling and security processes, factories and the retail and rail industries. Since 2017 she has offered remote, online DSE assessments in addition to her face to face interventions, allowing her to relocate to Sardinia, “commuting” back to the UK every 2 months. Juliet is passionate about her work, thrives on a challenge and loves to deliver training. She hopes to pass on some of her passion and enthusiasm for what is often viewed as a very “dry” subject to the participants of this course.



Online via Zoom. 


Booking is via our Health & Work Learning and Development Hub:

  • New dates coming soon.  NOTE: Pre-course work and resources will be made available 8 - 10 weeks before the course. If they are not available when you book your place you will be notified by email when they become available. 
  • If you'd like to register your interest for future dates for this course, please email

If you haven't accessed the Hub before, use the Forgotten Password link at the top right and enter the email address you use to log into the CSP / ACPOHE website when prompted for an email.



If you have any questions about accessibility or to request any reasonable accommodations please contact before you book your place. We will do our best to accommodate your requirements to help you get the most from your experience with ACPOHE.


Need help?

Send an email to our Admin Office  -


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